Evaporation Technologies
Lundberg offers a full range of tubular evaporation technologies, including falling film, long tube vertical, and our REX enhanced flooded forced circulation designs. Our experience in evaporation ranges from ethanol production to classical softwood or hardwood kraft black liquor systems found in pulp mills. We are also proficient in dealing with difficult to evaporate liquors, such as wheat straw and bagasse.
The application of our technology includes full sets with integrated condensate strippers and high solids concentrators, blow heat pre-evaporation systems and flash evaporators. The tubular technology utilized is matched to the specific requirements of each application.
Lundberg is the leading supplier of engineered modifications to existing evaporator systems. We have the solutions for a wide variety of issues including capacity increase, higher product solids, steam economy improvement, condensate segregation and liquor carry over reduction.

Multiple Effect Evaporators
Lundberg provides multiple effect evaporator technology for use in many different applications. Our system design is based on our extensive experience with both the modification of existing evaporators and building new installations. Each project is fully customized to the customer’s process requirements. Lundberg will use a mix of available technologies to provide a system that optimizes cost, efficiency and reliability.
Lundberg supplies the REX forced circulation crystallizer for evaporator systems where high solids are required. The REX system includes spiral tube inserts, which disrupt the boundary layer at the tube wall, causing turbulent flow in the tubes even at high viscosities. The advantages include high heater transfer coefficients, lower tube velocities, and a reduction in required horsepower compared with other high solids crystallizer designs.

Pre-evaporation systems utilize low-level waste heat to evaporate weak liquor prior to the main evaporator train. Three heat sources are most often utilized in a pre-evaporator system: heat from a blow heat system, heat from a standalone concentrator, or heat from a continuous digester extraction liquor flash tank. A Lundberg pre-evaporator can improve steam economy and/or increase evaporator capacity.
Surface Condensers
Lundberg supplies surface condensers for many different types of vapor and operating conditions.