Energy Savings
Lundberg delivers practical, economically sound solutions for lasting energy efficiency.
Manufacturing Efficiencies
Lundberg works with a broad spectrum of clients to create efficiencies in their pulping facilities. We help lower greenhouse gas emissions, drive down operating costs, and eliminate costly maintenance issues. We can customize a plan that reduces your organization’s impact on the environment while also saving money and improving your bottom line.
Lundberg has helped our clients reduce energy costs through efficient applications of our technologies, as well as through recovery and efficient use of waste heat and low-level energy sources.

Blow Heat Recovery
Our blow heat recovery system is designed to take a batch process and turn it into a continuous, dependable heat source that can be applied to other uses within the plant. Lundberg systems are designed to capture the hot vapors from the batch digester blow tank and recover the latent heat. Heat recovery is accomplished heating process water, heating boiler feed water or pre-evaporation of black liquor.
Thermomechanical Pulping (TMP) Heat Recovery
Heat recovery from a thermomechanical pulping (TMP) plant is available but the methods depend on your mill’s process and heat utilization requirements. Our systems are designed to minimize fiber carry-over while utilizing the elevated temperature and pressure created in the primary refiners to provide clean steam using a falling film reboiler. Boiler feed water is circulated on the shell side of the reboiler to provide clean steam for reuse in your process. We also provide systems that can generate hot water if additional steam is not of value in your facility.

Indirect Black Liquor Heating
For pulp and paper mills, indirect heating of high solids black liquor fired in a recovery boiler has many benefits compared with direct steam injection. Liquor temperature can be maintained more closely than a direct unit, giving better control of combustion and reduction of carry over. There is no dilution of the liquor with steam condensate, and the absence of direct contact minimizes the risk of diluting the black liquor below the safe firing concentration. These benefits improve system safety and reduce energy consumption.
Digester Heat Recovery
Lundberg designs heat recovery systems for most continuous digesters found in pulp and paper mills. These heat recovery systems can be designed for Kamyr™, Pandia™, M&D™ and other continuous digesters. Since there are many differences in the pulping process and equipment, the heat recovery systems are customized for individual applications. Lundberg systems can reduce energy usage and improve turpentine recovery.